
Introduction to High Performance Relationships


Authors: Bob Tomes and Jane Warren

It’s Friday night and while your friends are out at the wine bar socializing you’re at the gym doing one more leg set before heading home to that prescribed post-workout meal.  Your significant other is also quieting going quieter as he wonders what happened to him in your priority list.  So it can be in the life of an elite fitness athlete.


Being in a successful, vibrant, loving relationship is the eighth wonder of the world.  And now you’ve found a passion and it’s taking you away from home and focusing your attention on reps, nutrition, style and more reps.  


So how can you be in a vibrant relationship all the while preparing for that upcoming competition?


We will be providing our answers to this question in our upcoming “High Performance Relationship Workshop” on Saturday, April 28th where we’ll be joining Steph Marques as part of her ‘Life In The Off Season Seminar Series’.  Steph is a NPAA All Canadian Pro fitness model and runs programs for elite fitness competitors.


High performing relationships are much more than the conventional communication and sharing your feelings models that are commonly talked about today.  With all the potential stressors we have in our day to day life we need to discover playful ways to be with each other so we can get back to that special feeling we had when we first met.


The biggest step in creating high performance relationship is coming to the realization that we are the ones who choose how we feel and act and what we say or don’t say.  The days of “You make me feel …” no longer hold true.  With this knowledge, understanding and acceptance we then become open to play in new ways that will shift us out of being the victim, villain or hero and assist us in realigning with who we truly are and the life we really want to live.


What we’re finding is that men are typically the ones that are afraid to explore and expand their existing relationships.  These are also the men who are truly surprised when their relationship runs into difficult times and ends in divorce.  This doesn’t have to be the path.  Discovering fun, playful ways to be in a long-term relationship can change the “ho-hum” into the “holy cow!!”  Learning the tools we’ll be offering is a great way to divorce proof your marriage.


So if you’re an elite fitness athlete or the partner of one of these athletes then we highly encourage you to come play with us.  This could be the investment that recharges your relationship and your life and then you can become that model relationship that others aspire to.

Be sure to register for NPAA All-Canadian/IFPA Pro Steph Marques' - Life in the OFF Season Speaker Series "High Performance Relationships" at Bay Club World Health. Limited spots are available due to the interactive nature of the workshop. Email to register


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