
Featured Article: April 2012


Hello all my little fitness monsters out there! Alas today I shall blog about the magical journey of becoming fitness models and sponsored athletes.

How do you get there, you ask? Where do I start? What is it that I’m really after? It’s important to establish clear goals on your journey. Know where you want to be and what you want to represent. Perhaps you really dig clothing, and you want to marry fashion trends with health and wellness, maybe you’re hardwired to  investigate the ‘science’ behind nutrition and want to become more knowledgeable on supplements? There is no right or wrong to any of these ambitions, you have to like it, and it should be fun!

 So, next, establish a professional portfolio of few marketing photos, showing your personality and make sure they align with your target sponsors business philosophy. E.g. If a sponsor is looking for a vibrant, bright, and energetic spokesperson, find a photo that fits that description. An ominous and serious shot of you with dumbbells might not tell the right story. Keep in mind, when you’ve trained hard and are ready for that photo shoot, bring a few outfits. Shoot different scenes, with you doing several things. This will maximize your own portfolio so when you’re actively marketing yourself, you have a great repertoire of ‘looks’ that you can present or submit. So you got an audition? Perfect!! Arrive prepared and organized, representing the same photo that got you there in the first place! BE YOURSELF! Laugh, cry, make jokes, or just listen. Doesn’t matter! Be genuine.  Most often I blow in there like a hurricane (typical behaviour for moi), and have almost everyone in stitches within minutes, but that’s just me. If the role is meant for you, all the stars will align. If you believe, you shall receive!

This mystical journey is not easy. It’s a ton of work. But remember, just when you think you want to throw in the towel, is when a door will open, and opportunities will present themselves. This is a lifestyle that is an on-going craft, it is near impossible to turn on and off at will and still get to your goals. Keep plugging away, chipping away, and tweak, adjust, push, and lift... one rep, one set, one session at time.

Happy training everyone!


Steph Marques is an NPAA Athlete Ambassador, NPAA All-Canadian/IFPA Pro Athlete, and Sponsored Athlete.  Her "Life in the Offseason Seminar Series" cover various topics in health and fitness for people of all backgrounds and experience levels.  Please click here to visit her website.

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