
Why 20 Min Polygraph Exams Are Invalid In Canada

Physique federations in Canada who claim that a pre-contest 20 - 30 minute polygraph examination of registered athletes is enough proof to level their playing field are using an invalid test in our country

Here's why:

1. The Canadian Association Of Police Polygraphs labelled a 20 - 30 minute polygraph test as invalid.  Valid tests last 2 to 3 hours, sometimes longer, because they include three lengthy phases:


  • Pre-Test Interview
  • In-Test Phase
  • Post-Test Interview


Click Here To Read Their Official Letter Regarding Polygraph Examination


2. The American Polygraph Association states that polygraph examinations lasting less than one hour are often associated with unvalidated or invalid procedures and are not accepted in Canada.

Click Here To Read Their Official Letter Regarding Polygraph Examination


As such, the 20 - 30 min polygraph tests do not add value for natural athletes in Canada because these shortened tests are invalid.  The gold standard of scientific testing in Canada is urinalysis due to it's high validity and reliability.

The NPAA follows the highest standards of drug testing as a 100% Natural Federation.  

We follow WADA protocol and ALL winners at our competitions are tested via urinalysis.  

Random testing or selective drug testing of overall winners/Pro-card winners is not considered the gold standard as a natural federation and shortened polygraph tests are not a valid method of screening in Canada.

We are proud to be 100% natural, 100% fair, and 100% drug tested using evidence-based, scientific, and proven methods in Canada.


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