Sunday, June 15, 2014 at 2:28AM


It's not Rocket Science why Magnum Nutraceuticals partnered with and supported the NPAA

since our first year as a federation.

Magnum has the scientific Instincts to fuel athletes with a stack that is on a different level

and NPAA knows how to bring that Heat to the fitness industry...

perhaps you can say it is a part of our collective DNA!  

With that being said we have a grand announcement... you could say Opus sized!  

Get ready for the NPAA Magnum Centrefold Search!!!

Who will win and be recognized as the Magnum Quattro top 4 models and the coveted

award as NPAA Magnum Centrefold Heat Athlete?

Winners will be published in NPAA magazine and adorned with the best prize pack in the


Tim Dardis Photography will also provide a complementary photo shoot to the

NPAA Magnum Centrefold Heat Athlete!

Train Natural, Compete Natural, This is our sport!

Criteria are as follows:

1. Submit 1-2 photos to with the subject Centerfold Search. for the placement in NPAA's Online photo album on Facebook.
* Must be best quality stage or glamour shots (must have permission to use)

2. Submit bio and answer the following questions
a. Why did you choose to compete with NPAA?
b. Who do I hope to inspire?
c. My favorite body group to train?
d. My Favorite Clean eating snack?
e. What do you want to achieve with NPAA, specifically your long-term athletic goal?

3. Winners will be chosen based on a combination of scoring from online fan votes (likes) and independent panel of judges scores

4. Submission deadline is JULY 17, 2014. 

** All submissions become property for usage of NPAA for publication**

Article originally appeared on NPAA (
See website for complete article licensing information.